The story of a little girl and her mysterious friendship with miniature fairies.
When Chloe was still very small, a miniature and kind fairy often visited. She combed Chloe’s eyelashes with a soft brush and whispered magic words in her ear while she slept. And Chloe grew to be a good and kind girl.
When the Kind Fairy visited, she always sprayed insect repellant on Chloe’s window to keep bad fairies away.
But one day, the Kind Fairy spilled the insect repellent, allowing a bad fairy to find Chloe. That same night, a Bad Fairy whispered in Chloe’s ear, suggesting 100 evil ideas, while she tangled Chloe’s hair. When the Bad Fairy left, she sprayed insect repellent near the window so that the Kind Fairy could not find Chloe. Fairies are not at all like people—they cannot remember addresses, they just sense that someone needs their help.
In the morning, Chloe’s family did not recognize her. Chloe pulled the cat’s tail, scattered her toys, and did not listen to anyone. And when her family tried to correct her behavior, Chloe paid no attention and continued to behave badly.
The next night the Bad Fairy again flew to Chloe while she slept. She told Chloe to draw on the walls of her bedroom, add paint on her mother's laundry, and cut holes in her new dress. The Bad Fairy made a wart grow on Chloe’s arm, she tangled her hair, and then she splashed her insect repellent and flew away. Chloe continued to behave badly, baffling her parents. What happened to their good and kind Chloe? And the next night, the Bad Fairy made a stye grow in Chloe’s eye, taught her to stick her finger in her nose, and to bite her nails.
Every day Chloe became more unbearable. Gradually, her friends began to stay away, the cat hid under the bed at the sight of her, and her mother and father began to read books and articles about how to deal with a disobedient child.
Then one night, the cat, who was tired of hiding from Chloe, went into her bedroom while she was sleeping. The cat noticed buzzing around Chloe’s head. The cat froze and his tail stood up straight. His fur bristled and he pulled his ears back. Then he pounced—jumping straight at the buzzing Bad Fairy. Frightened, the Bad Fairy flew out Chloe’s window, never to return.
That night Chloe had a dream—the Kind Fairy told her to start a box of good deeds. And each day that Chloe did a good deed, to put a colored bead into the box.
The spell was broken! Next morning when Chloe woke up, she was very thoughtful. She made a decision to be good, and added a colored bead to her box of good deeds every time she was good.
Box of Good Deeds
Chloe was born on the vernal equinox, when the hours of daylight and night are exactly the same. From the point of view of wizards, this is an important day because those born on the equinox must struggle with good and evil, work and laziness, and generosity and greed.When Chloe was still very small, a miniature and kind fairy often visited. She combed Chloe’s eyelashes with a soft brush and whispered magic words in her ear while she slept. And Chloe grew to be a good and kind girl.
When the Kind Fairy visited, she always sprayed insect repellant on Chloe’s window to keep bad fairies away.
But one day, the Kind Fairy spilled the insect repellent, allowing a bad fairy to find Chloe. That same night, a Bad Fairy whispered in Chloe’s ear, suggesting 100 evil ideas, while she tangled Chloe’s hair. When the Bad Fairy left, she sprayed insect repellent near the window so that the Kind Fairy could not find Chloe. Fairies are not at all like people—they cannot remember addresses, they just sense that someone needs their help.
In the morning, Chloe’s family did not recognize her. Chloe pulled the cat’s tail, scattered her toys, and did not listen to anyone. And when her family tried to correct her behavior, Chloe paid no attention and continued to behave badly.
The next night the Bad Fairy again flew to Chloe while she slept. She told Chloe to draw on the walls of her bedroom, add paint on her mother's laundry, and cut holes in her new dress. The Bad Fairy made a wart grow on Chloe’s arm, she tangled her hair, and then she splashed her insect repellent and flew away. Chloe continued to behave badly, baffling her parents. What happened to their good and kind Chloe? And the next night, the Bad Fairy made a stye grow in Chloe’s eye, taught her to stick her finger in her nose, and to bite her nails.
Every day Chloe became more unbearable. Gradually, her friends began to stay away, the cat hid under the bed at the sight of her, and her mother and father began to read books and articles about how to deal with a disobedient child.
Then one night, the cat, who was tired of hiding from Chloe, went into her bedroom while she was sleeping. The cat noticed buzzing around Chloe’s head. The cat froze and his tail stood up straight. His fur bristled and he pulled his ears back. Then he pounced—jumping straight at the buzzing Bad Fairy. Frightened, the Bad Fairy flew out Chloe’s window, never to return.
That night Chloe had a dream—the Kind Fairy told her to start a box of good deeds. And each day that Chloe did a good deed, to put a colored bead into the box.
The spell was broken! Next morning when Chloe woke up, she was very thoughtful. She made a decision to be good, and added a colored bead to her box of good deeds every time she was good.
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